Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jonah and Seattle Grace Hospital Staff

You guys, if you've never seen Summer heights High on HBO, then you are berserk. Chris Lilley is one hilarious Australian mofo. Can you believe he plays all three protagonists in one show? Buhhlleeeeve it. Do yourself a favor and watch this short series. You wont be disappointed. My favorite character of the three is Jonah btw. You'll fall in love with his character too.

Ahh yes..Best Buy finally re-stocked on season 5. I'm a devoted Greys Anatomy fan since the very first episode when Meredith got drunk and took a guy from the bar home, had sex with him and later found out that she would be interning for McDreamy himself. I always miss out on episodes and then find myself having to catch up, so I just wait till it comes out on DVD and have a mini marathon by myself.

The best investment I've made this week, hands down. Well, my job actually paid for it. ;)

Monday, November 16, 2009

So press record and let you film mehhh

I'm having mixed emotions about this collaboration right here. I'm a HUGE Beyonce fan, and I like Lady Gaga, but....this song has enough going on for Gaga to come in and put her two cents in it. The video...well...a Hype Williams directed video has never disappointed. Hes done it again. He even resembled one of Quentin Tarantino's best movies Reservoir Dogs in the opening scene. The only thing i don't like about it (and it has nothing to do with Hype's skills) is how Beyonce overpowers Gaga in every aspect...her outfits, her size, her dancing. Poor Mrs. Poker Face looks so out of place. And whats with the toy guns?

From a 5 star rating, I give this one a 2 1/2. "That was way Harsh Tai."

Christmas is a knockin'

Its almost time to put those pumpkins away (you shouldve gotten rid of the carved ones 16 days ago) because Christmas is right around the corner. Jeez, this year flew by.

Whats on your wish list?

Very unlikely to get all of the above. Talk about wishful thinking. lol


My last meal while I was in NYC back in October. I hadn't had a plate like this since 2001. So fucking good....and I had a Mamey milkshake to accompany it. OOweeeee! Calories galore.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Cafeteria in Chelsea>Denny's, IHop, Cracker Barrel, & any other American Diner experience you've ever had. Hands down.

Open 24/7.

Very trendy. Had me feeling like I was in a lounge, ready to have some drinks with my bitches. (check out their website on the link above)

I'm going to have to send an email to the CEO of this place and demand him to open one AGAIN down in Miami.

Those are some colossal ass desserts aren't they? I didn't finish mine, in case you were feeling inquisitive. None of us actually did.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Youre at Katz, The Show?

We ate some Pastrami over at Kat'z one night because they're really famous for their um...meat...and we wanted to know what the big fuss was about. My loverboy recommended the place and Raquel confirmed that it was a good place to check out considering it had good reviews on Yelp.
He said it housed the best Pastrami he has ever had in his life and he use to go there all the time back when he lived up north.. I don't know babe, it wasn't all that. Maybe I'm just not a fan. Maybe you just love pastrami too much.

I shouldve just had the same thing Sally had.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Go Scorpio, Its Your Burfday

Thats my daddy. Its his birthday today. He turned 51 yrs old. Sure doesnt look like it huh? I love him to death.

Thank you dad for teaching me about constilations, religions, politics, morals, courtesy, time tables, for teaching me how to ride a bike and how vital it was to read at such a young age (reading the sunday newspaper with you EVERY sunday helped alot, even if i spent more time on the comics section) and that there is no such thing as mines, its mine. Thank you for never abandoning me, for always believing in me, for supporting me even if you dont agree, for not influencing negative things on me, and for being exactly who you are. I wouldnt want you any other way. Love you, flaws and all.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hattan' keeps on makin it, Brooklyn keeps on takin it

The weather was lovely on that fine October day when us girls decided to walk all of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Ready, Set, Walk!

It took us about 30 minutes to get to this point...

and about 32 minutes to get to that point.

OK, I have a confession. The sole purpose of walking the whole darn thing was because we heard some ice cream factory in Brooklyn was holding hostage of the best ice cream in town.

Yum. We enjoyed the ice cream as well as the view of the city sky line.

Would I walk the Brooklyn Bridge again?

Just as long as its no hotter than 70 degrees outside. I almost fainted back in August. I barely made it to the beginning.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

October had a party. All the leaves attended.

So did we.

I love the way Autumn makes me feel. Like a big mug of hot cocoa. with marshmallows of course.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sing it, Bitch

My current melodious obsession? Madonna circa 1992.

I blame Columbia House and my mother for allowing me to get my hands on a copy of Erotica AND her Truth or Dare (In Bed with Madonna) documentary at the tender age of 8.

My favorite tracks on that LP are Rain and Bye Bye Baby.

Thanks mom, for not caring about what the uptight A-holes of the Recording Industry Association of America labeled as Explicit Content.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Its Frahhhhday

I'm usually stuck at work on Friday mornings/afternoons but not today. No sirrryyy. I took full sway (and still am) of today and woke up at 9am. Anyone who knows me, KNOWS I don't wake up early unless its an obligation. I'm pretty darn proud. Felt good to be up.

Can I add that this time change has got me feeling a little je ne sais quoi? Its a mixed emotion. Cant describe it. Anyway, I was out the door by 11am and went straight to the gas station and filled this little bad puppy up.

I also got my tag renewed today. No more "riding dirty."

Once I got that out of the way, I went to get me a pair of Levi's 524 super low skinny jeans because I HAD to. I love the fit and my old ones were getting well....old. I have a covet place where they sell them for $30.00 and anyone who is a denim lover knows how expensive jeans can get. All you Brazilian wearing hoochies don't know about that.

I went to Forever 21 today and spent an hour there to walk out with only one thing.

I pretty much spend that same amount of time whenever I go there. A bunch of cute crap for cheap. That store comes in handy when you need something quick and when your pockets are hurting.

After purchasing my bird, I drove to Coral Gables to meet up with Raquel and Emma for a late lunch at Cafe Vialetto. The restaurant doesn't have an official website to link it but its right across the street from Coral Gables High School. I freaking love Italian food. The best. It doesn't really look like a restaurant inside but the food was yummers and my stomach was happy. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to prove it because as mentioned in my previous blog, my camera had an accident. Ive been depending on Raquel's camera lately, but she didn't bring hers this time. Shocking. I guess she wasn't feeling me today or maybe she wasn't feeling her hair. Who knows. Either way, the Risotto was banging and you should go try it.

We parted ways and I had an hour to kill before having to pick my sister up from work. She conveniently works at The Falls so I spent an hour in Bath and Body Works. I had to re-stock on my body creams because my sister was getting tired of me bumming off her baby lotion. There were a couple of specials going on like buy 3, get three free on their signature collection, and spend $15 and get any item free.

My favorite scent is Moonlight Path. Mmmmmm.

I got a Eucalyptus pillow mist as my free item. I'm going to sleep like a baby from now on!

I love bargains. Don't know how long the sales are going on for but just thought Id bestow this upon you guys.

So I'm back at home base now, waiting for my boyfriend to get here so we can go to the movies and hopefully watch This Is It. Its long over due. Gotta watch the movie before its not in theatres anymore.

I hear my dog barking, that must mean hes here. Ill fill you guys in on how the movie was IF the tickets aren't sold out yet. A revoir!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Harlem on The Rise

Aimes has The Apollo right in her backyard. Ok, not that close, but a couple of blocks away close. How touristy of me on the first picture right? Oh well. Anyway, its pretty cool that they let a 10 yr old paint MJ's Hollywood star on the sidewalk. Looks more like the star of David to me. At least I'm assuming he/she is 10. I couldve done a far way better job than that.

C is for Cookie

Google's daily makeovers make me smile. Dont worry Google, Im not leaving you for Bing no matter what.

BTW, anyone ever wonder what Cookie Monster's Nationality is? By the sound of his accent, he sounds Haitian to me. Either way, I fucks with him....I fucks with anyone who fucks with cookies.