A couple of years back, something possessed me into presuming that little ol' me could compose a beat....and write a hook to it.

WARNING: I'm not trying to be like Danja Hands, The Runners, J.U.S.T.I.C.E League, NO I.D, Salaam Remi, or Darkchild. Just a regular Lady having fun. =)
This my friends, is the finished product.
Greetings Earthlings. You are now tuned into Boogie sounds radiooooooo!
I tried giving up various times while in the process of making it but if I were to have quit, I would've gotten an ass whooping. lol. Trust me, it was difficult to work different equipments and put sounds together without making it sound like some fisher price "Learn your ABC's" toy for toddlers. At least for me it was.
Its on some experimental hip hop, jungle kind of tip. Well, that's what it sounds like to me at least. What does it sound like to you? Don't you dare tell me like "hot garbage" cause ill smack fire out your monkey ass. hehe.
I picture a music video to it with a dope choreography and some chick rapping on it. I don't picture girls dancing in plastic Hefty bags talking about how they cant stand the rain though. LOL No disrespect to Missy Elliot.
I'm very coy when it comes to letting people listen to this track and I have kept it very private with only a few people having a chance to hear it so you bastards should feel honored dammit! JK ;)