Sunday, September 13, 2009

Give it to me Ra!

Rina Grina Sabrina treated me to lunch at Ra as a late birthday gift. Yes, I had about 3 restaurant birthday celebrations. So what? Thanks Sauuweety. It was great catching up over delish sushi. Nom Nom Nom!

I don't know about you but this lamp looked like a throat....or a cooter. =X

We gossiped about you, her, him and them while eating this OK dessert. I'm personally not too fond of chocolate ice cream, but I go bananas for BANANAS!

They say that....

But I think its way more fun in my pants. HAAAA! jk.


  1. aw. I lovezz it! <3

    I popped your RA cherry

    btw, did you have to mention the "late" part at the beginning?

  2. the late wasnt meant for your tardy for the party, you emotional slutbag. i meant late because my birthday had beeeeeen passed and i was still celebrating it. ;]
