It was a rainy Friday evening, but that didn't stop the girls and I from meeting up with Amy's friend Drenita at Gramercy Tavern for some dinner and drinks with whimsical names. I enjoyed my meatballs and Concord Crush while the girls enjoyed their meatballs, sea bass and their champagne. Don't ask me what type because a mi no me gusta el champagne. lol
The night was young and well so are we, so we popped open our umbrellas and skipped along to The Bowery Hotel where apparently there was a Gucci party for I don't know what going on. Amy's friend had us on the list and we hung out amongst very nice dressed new yorkers (something that is very rare to see). There was an open bar all night, so Amy and Drenita took advantage and drank a lifetime supply of champagne while Raquel and I scouted for potential candidates to enter the "Amy needs a boo for winter" contest. lol No luck with that.
I was trying to blend in with all the "model type" people by giving the crowd the zoolander face. You know because nowadays EVERYONE is a model. yeah right!
Attention all NYCity Gentleman: If you're tall, lanky, good looking, Dominican with no strings attached and with a j-o-b, please contact Amy at AmyAnaiz@aanaizphotography.com. Shes a doll. ;)
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