I'm usually stuck at work on Friday mornings/afternoons but not today. No sirrryyy. I took full sway (and still am) of today and woke up at 9am. Anyone who knows me, KNOWS I don't wake up early unless its an obligation. I'm pretty darn proud. Felt good to be up.
Can I add that this time change has got me feeling a little je ne sais quoi? Its a mixed emotion. Cant describe it. Anyway, I was out the door by 11am and went straight to the gas station and filled this little bad puppy up.

I also got my tag renewed today. No more "riding dirty."
Once I got that out of the way, I went to get me a pair of Levi's 524 super low skinny jeans because I HAD to. I love the fit and my old ones were getting well....old. I have a covet place where they sell them for $30.00 and anyone who is a denim lover knows how expensive jeans can get. All you Brazilian wearing hoochies don't know about that.

I went to Forever 21 today and spent an hour there to walk out with only one thing.

I pretty much spend that same amount of time whenever I go there. A bunch of cute crap for cheap. That store comes in handy when you need something quick and when your pockets are hurting.
After purchasing my bird, I drove to Coral Gables to meet up with Raquel and Emma for a late lunch at Cafe Vialetto. The restaurant doesn't have an official website to link it but its right across the street from Coral Gables High School. I freaking love Italian food. The best. It doesn't really look like a restaurant inside but the food was yummers and my stomach was happy. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures to prove it because as mentioned in my previous blog, my camera had an accident. Ive been depending on Raquel's camera lately, but she didn't bring hers this time. Shocking. I guess she wasn't feeling me today or maybe she wasn't feeling her hair. Who knows. Either way, the Risotto was banging and you should go try it.
We parted ways and I had an hour to kill before having to pick my sister up from work. She conveniently works at The Falls so I spent an hour in Bath and Body Works. I had to re-stock on my body creams because my sister was getting tired of me bumming off her baby lotion. There were a couple of specials going on like buy 3, get three free on their signature collection, and spend $15 and get any item free.
My favorite scent is Moonlight Path. Mmmmmm.

I got a Eucalyptus pillow mist as my free item. I'm going to sleep like a baby from now on!

I love bargains. Don't know how long the sales are going on for but just thought Id bestow this upon you guys.
So I'm back at home base now, waiting for my boyfriend to get here so we can go to the movies and hopefully watch This Is It. Its long over due. Gotta watch the movie before its not in theatres anymore.
I hear my dog barking, that must mean hes here. Ill fill you guys in on how the movie was IF the tickets aren't sold out yet. A revoir!